1 Thessalonians 1 : Quietly Living in Your Place

Verse 7: And so, you became a model to all the believers in Macedonia and Achaia.

Verse 8: For the word of the Lord has echoed forth from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but in every place your faith in God has gone out, so we have no need to say anything.

◇ Paul was praying for the Thessalonian church while he was in Corinth. How he wished that the church, which had been established with difficulty, would become firmly established. Where is the place without any problems? Everywhere, big and small things happen, good and bad things happen where people are.

Through Timothy, Paul heard about the situation in Thessalonica and sent a letter to them. Before reproaching and admonishing them, he first praises them. The Thessalonians were a model to all believers in Macedonia and Achaia. Not only that, but their actions have been spreading like a bell tolling, echoing far and wide.

Being a model for others is a difficult task. Can you imagine living as a minority of Christians in a place full of pagan religions? How difficult it would have been to believe that there is only one God, to confess the man who was crucified as the Son of God, to believe in the resurrection and ascension, and to preach the Christian faith?

They would have endured all kinds of insults, ridicule, and persecution to preserve and spread their faith. They would have experienced what Jesus went through on the road to the cross.

This is carrying your own cross. Living in your place, keeping your faith, and living quietly without being swayed by anything is carrying your own cross and following Jesus.

♧ God, please help me not to be distracted. Help me to live my life, keep my faith, and spread it quietly. Holy Spirit, guide me in truth!