
Showing posts with the label Mark

Mark 16: The Work of the Holy Spirit that Transformed People

Mark 15: The Crucifixion - The Second Temptation of Jesus as a Definition of His Existence

Mark 13: Eschatology of Hope

Mark 12: The Faith Confession of the Markan Editor Embedded in the God of the Living

Mark 11: The Common Theme Between the Cursing of the Fig Tree and the Cleansing of the Temple

Mark 10: The Possibility of God in Humanity

Mark 9: The Invitation of Mark's Editor

Mark 8 : Isn't it right to rely on Jesus' possibilities rather than human possibilities?

Mark 7: Human traditions are valid when based on God's commandments

Mark 6: Feeding the Five Thousand - A Fractal Event

Mark 5: The Demons' Plea and the Gerasenes' Request

Mark chapter 4 : Jesus' perspective transcends Mark's editorial intentions

Mark 3: The work of God is what God has done, and the work of man is what man has done.

Mark 2: Holistic Healing by Jesus

Mark chap. 1