1 Thessalonians 3: The Joy and Comfort of Those Bound by the Belt of Love

6: Now Timothy has come to us from you and brought us the good news of your faith and love, and that you always have good memories of us, wanting to see us, just as we also want to see you.

7: Therefore, brothers and sisters, in all our affliction and distress we were comforted about you through your faith.

13: May he strengthen your hearts so that you will be blameless and holy in the presence of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all his holy ones.

◇ In 1 Thessalonians 3, we see the warm love between Paul's missionary team and those who have been born again by hearing the gospel from them. Although they are physically far apart, their hearts are always together. Paul and his companions are constantly praying, worried about whether the immature believers are maintaining their faith well in the midst of difficulties.

Paul was filled with joy and great comfort when he heard that they were keeping their faith and growing. On the other hand, the Thessalonian believers were worried and praying for Paul's team as they faced difficulties in spreading the unfamiliar faith of the resurrected Jesus among the Gentiles. They all eagerly hoped to see each other soon.

This is the true nature of Christians who fear one God, believe in one Jesus Christ, and receive the guidance and protection of one Holy Spirit. They love each other within the same faith, worrying and praying for one another. They find comfort and gratitude in each other's presence. Although their bodies are far apart in different spaces, they are together because they are united by the belt of Christ's love.

How many people are there who fight and tear each other apart even when they are in the same space? Isn't it because they are not for the gospel of God but for their own thoughts, stubbornness, claims, and interests? If they live for the glory of God, wouldn't there be no muddy fights like those in ancient times? They would be too busy worrying, comforting, encouraging, and praying for each other.

Why not let go of your own thoughts, claims, stubbornness, and interests, and listen to and deeply consider the thoughts, claims, and interests of your brothers and sisters united in Christ's love? Won't you worry and pray for them? We, too, will receive great joy and comfort as those bound by the belt of love, just like Paul and the Thessalonian believers.

♧ Lord, help me to let go of myself. Let me receive the joy and comfort of a Christian bound by the belt of love!