2 Thessalonians 2: Be of good courage and stay alert!

Verse 3: Let no one deceive you in any way.

Verse 4: He opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God.

◇ Recently, a documentary about heresy titled "I Am God" (In The Name of God: A Holy Betrayal, 2023) was released on Netflix, causing a tremendous shock. Whether Christian or non-Christian, people must have wondered how such a thing could happen.

So-called human gods, the leaders of heresies, exploited people's weak hearts, twisted minds, ignorance, and the pain and suffering of reality to satisfy their own desires and greed. These people were so vulnerable and in such pain and suffering that they fell for the most absurd temptations.

In Paul's time, there were also those who deceived others. They openly claimed to be gods, demanded worship, and built temples. Not only all kinds of idols but also emperors were worshiped as gods. Temples that served idols were dens of evil that justified immorality, impurity, and greed.

Paul tells us not to be deceived. Jesus also warned against being deceived by false prophets who would claim to be the Christ in the last days. Peter urged believers to be firm in their resolve and stay alert while waiting for that time.

There will always be those who deceive the weak, the wavering, and those who groan in suffering. They are not far away but close by. We must strengthen our hearts and stay alert. We should always pray and be watchful. We must hope in and be grateful for what God has prepared for us, rejoicing in it.

♧ Lord, protect us from deception and help us to overcome it! Strengthen our hearts and keep our minds alert. Holy Spirit, lead us in truth!