Philippians 2 (#2): God working in us

14: Do everything without grumbling and arguing

15: So that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation, shining as lights in the world among them.

In this world, no one wants to engage in activities that cause complaints or create disputes. Nobody wants to create situations where right and wrong must be weighed. This is because we know how much grumbling and arguing can drain a person's energy and lead to a life without peace.

However, the world we live in is full of unexpected events and unanticipated situations. Sometimes, even when we don't want to, we find ourselves caught in grumbling and disputes. Struggling to escape from the melting pain of our hearts and bodies is a part of our life journey.

Nevertheless, we strive to live a life without grumbling and arguing. This is because we are the blameless and pure children of God, shining as lights in the world. Although we may be imperfect, God is working within us.

As God dwells within us, we have hope. There is hope not because God is resting within us, but because God is actively working within us. God desires peace, not grumbling and disputes. God wants to achieve peace through us.

Lord, please dwell and work within us, so that we may live a life of peace without grumbling and arguing! Holy Spirit, guide us in truth!