Philippians 4: In the Lord!

Verse 2: I urge Euodia and I urge Syntyche to have the same mindset in the Lord.

Verse 4: Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I will say, rejoice.

Verse 7: And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

◇ Have you ever tried standing on a balance ball? Even with all your strength, it is challenging to stand upright. Only those with well-developed, balanced muscles can stand correctly. Most people cannot stand on a balance ball and fall.

In life, like a balance ball, if we put our feet on things like our knowledge or experience, our desires or ambitions, the world's philosophy or wisdom, or idols, we cannot maintain balance and fall.

Jesus Christ is the one who makes our balance ball-like life level. To walk in balance on the path of life, we must be in (on) Jesus Christ. God has promised to protect us in Jesus Christ.

However, there are people who cannot maintain balance even on the level ground of Jesus Christ. They are drunk or sick while standing on the level ground of Jesus Christ. We have work to do in (within) Jesus Christ. Even if we stand on Jesus Christ, we should not be drunk or sick. We must cut off the things that make us drunk and sick from us. Specifically, we must cut off the deeds of the flesh (Gal 5:19 and below) and the carnal thoughts that make us enemies with God (Rom 8:7).

Paul says, "Have the same mindset in the Lord. Rejoice in the Lord always. Then, in Christ Jesus, your hearts and minds will be guarded."

We must remain in Jesus Christ. We must place our feet on Jesus Christ. That way, we can stand straight and safe without shaking. When we stand on Jesus Christ, God guards our hearts and minds.

♧ Lord, do not let us place our feet on the vain things of the world! Let us put our feet on Jesus Christ and move toward the goal! Holy Spirit, lead us in truth!