Colossians 1 (#2): Reconciliation through Jesus

Verse 19: For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in Jesus,

Verse 20: and through the blood of his cross, to reconcile all things to himself, whether things on earth or things in heaven, making peace through his blood.

◇ The word reconciliation touches our hearts deeply, even to the point of tears. We know all too well how painful and agonizing it is when we cannot reconcile with one another. We are well aware of what happens when parents and children, siblings, coworkers, and members of a faith community cannot reconcile. Those who have experienced it would not want to go through it again. There is a pain that melts the flesh and bone.

God must have felt the same pain for us (although he does not have flesh and bone). How satisfied was God when he created Adam and Eve in his own image? He was extremely delighted. He must have been filled with dreams as he thought about the things they would create together.

However, all of this was shattered due to their desires. They hid from God, and the once harmonious relationships between husband and wife, and all others, were broken. In their place, jealousy, envy, and hatred filled their hearts. The harmony that God desired, where people loved, understood, and cared for one another, was all shattered.

God restored this broken harmony through his only begotten Son. By offering him as a sacrifice of reconciliation on the cross, the door to the restoration of all relationships was wide open.

Now, we must stand firm in this faith. We must have an unwavering hope in the gospel. We must carry our own cross and follow Jesus. Through our sacrifices, God will bring about overflowing reconciliation and joy.

♧ Lord, please reconcile all your creations, which you made and delighted in! Holy Spirit, lead us in truth!