Colossians 1 (#3): The One Who Continues the Sufferings of Christ

Verse 28: We proclaim Him, admonishing every person and teaching every person with all wisdom, so that we may present every person complete in Christ.

Verse 29: For this purpose, I also labor, striving according to His working, which works in me with power.

◇ Paul is a worker of the church, a worker set up by God for the Gentiles. He confesses that the sufferings he endures while preaching the gospel to the Gentiles are his way of continuing the remaining sufferings of Christ. He does not seek to enjoy salvation through Christ and the glory of the resurrection alone but desires to continue the sufferings of Christ as a worker of God, fulfilling God's will.

Paul says that he does not work as a worker who overcomes suffering and fulfills God's will by his own strength but strives with all his might following the power that works within him. God did not leave Paul alone after giving him a mission. He dwelt within Paul and was with him in power.

The God who was with Paul is also with us today. He accompanies us as we become one red jujube .

<One Jujube >

by Chang, Seokjoo

It won't turn red on its own.

Inside it, there are several typhoons

Inside it, there are several thunders

Inside it, there are several lightning bolts

It won't round itself alone.

Inside it, there are several nights of collapse

Inside it, there are several months of scorching sun

Inside it, there are several days of crescent moon


You have communicated with the world.

Lord, let us continue the sufferings of Jesus Christ to fulfill Your will! Let us become one red jujube! Holy Spirit, lead us!