Colossians 2: Rooted in Jesus

Verse 6: Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him,

Verse 7: being rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.

◇ Last March, I bought a few lettuce seedlings and planted them in small pots on my balcony. Only one survived, while the rest died. The soil was not good and did not drain well, causing the lettuce roots to rot.

For a plant to grow well, its roots must be strong. To have strong roots, the soil must have good drainage. The type of soil is important. To bear the fruit of faith, one must have well-established roots, and to have well-established roots, there must be good soil for faith. Only by rooting ourselves in the soil of Jesus Christ can we bear good fruit.

However, it is not easy to distinguish which soil is good, as there are so many soils bearing the name of Jesus Christ. Countless heresies and false pastors also bear the name of Jesus Christ. They often dress more extravagantly, deceiving people more easily.

In the Laodicean church, which received this letter, there were those who tempted others with philosophy, law, circumcision, food, and festivals, all under the name of Jesus Christ. They did not encourage people to root their faith in the soil of Jesus Christ, but rather in the soil of philosophy or law.

Where are our roots of faith? Are they rooted in Jesus Christ? Or is Jesus Christ merely a label?

♧ Lord, help us to root ourselves in Jesus Christ and bear the fruit of faith! Holy Spirit, lead us in truth!