Galatians 1: Called by God the Father

verse 1: Paul, an apostle—sent not from men nor by a man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead.

◇ Sometimes on TV, we see celebrities jokingly ask each other, “I am his/her line. Whose line are you? Make it clear whose line you are!" This is a subtle way for a celebrity to show that they have a powerful person in the entertainment industry backing them.

As we know, Paul was always doubted regarding his apostleship. The other apostles had been with Jesus or were disciples of the disciples, but Paul had never met Jesus and had even persecuted Christians. 

So, at the beginning of Galatians, Paul makes it clear whose line he is. He states that his apostleship is not from men nor by a man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. 

Therefore, he does not work to please and make people happy. Instead, he works for the joy of Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead.

Whose call brought me to this position? Whose line am I? For whom am I working to make happy?

It is Jesus Christ and God the Father. Not people, but Jesus Christ who was crucified to save us, and God the Father who gave his one and only Son.

♧ God, you are my support. Therefore, I work for your joy and for you. Holy Spirit, lead me in truth!