Galatians 4: Form Christ's image within you!

Verse 19: My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you

◇ What Paul earnestly desires for the Galatian believers is that Christ's image is formed within them. He does not want them to live as religious people who are only outwardly zealous, but rather, he wants their core to be formed by Christ's image as they live.

The believers in the Galatian church are trying to go back to the time when they did not know God. They want to return to a life of serving things that are not God, reverting to their past of abundant religiosity. They want to go back to serving idols that are not God, worshipping mountains and seas, trees and rocks, and nature itself.

Outwardly visible religious acts satisfy them. Colorful rituals, feasts, dazzling dances, and music that shakes heaven and earth. These things make their religiosity appear greater and they think it pleases God. However, it is not to please God, but to satisfy themselves.

God does not desire grand and splendid images or houses for Himself. He desires those who are made in His image to live holy and merciful lives according to that image.

Paul accurately conveys what God desires: Form Christ's image within you!

Now, those who know God must form Christ's image within themselves. They should not be religious people who seek to satisfy themselves, but rather, they should become children of God and heirs who form Christ's image. A person's heart is revealed outwardly through their eyes, facial expressions, tone of voice, and actions. Christ's image is also revealed outwardly. Christ's image is revealed through our eyes, mouth, facial expressions, and words (Galatians 5:22-24).

♧ Lord, help us live not as religious people but as Your children who manifest Christ's image! Holy Spirit, lead us in truth!