1 Corinthians 4 (#3): A Fatherly Teacher

Verse 15: Even if you had ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel.

Verse 16: Therefore I urge you to imitate me.

There were several people in their mid-30s who said they did not have a pastor they could look up to as a teacher. They had served as evangelists in the church for over ten years but had not met someone they wanted to follow and learn from. At that time, I thought I was fortunate and happy because I had two pastors I wanted to imitate and could answer to anyone who asked.

There are indeed many people who teach about Jesus. As Paul says, there are ten thousand teachers. There are so many. However, there are not many teachers that one wants to imitate and follow. As Paul says, there are not many fatherly teachers.

Paul tells the saints of the Corinthian church that he is their father who gave birth to them. And he says to imitate him. The words "imitate me" sound like "be a teacher like me, a fatherly teacher," and resonate in my heart.

 Now, at the age of over 50, would there be anyone who wants to think of me as a teacher and imitate me? Am I a teacher like Paul who can say "imitate me"? I ask myself. I am grateful for having a fatherly teacher and hope that I can become such a person.

♧ God, make me not just one of ten thousand teachers, but a fatherly teacher! Holy Spirit, lead me in truth!