1 Corinthians 11 (#2): Sharing, Humbling, and Serving

Verse 22: Don't you have homes to eat and drink in? Or do you despise the church of God by humiliating those who have nothing? What shall I say to you? Shall I praise you? Certainly not in this matter.

◇ There was another problem in the Corinthian church. It was an issue with the Lord's Supper. The Passover meal that Jesus had shared with his disciples on the evening before his arrest, where he offered himself as the sacrificial lamb for the sins of the people, and they ate and drank his body and blood in remembrance of him. 

The early church gathered in homes, and those who participated would bring their own food to share. The amount and quality of the food brought would vary depending on the person. Among them were believers who were too poor to prepare food and came empty-handed. 

Those who had prepared a lot ate and drank abundantly. They ate until they were full and even drank enough wine to become intoxicated. In contrast, those who were too poor to prepare anything had to watch this unfold. How ashamed and embarrassed must they have felt? That's why Paul rebuked such behavior and told them to eat and drink at home. 

The church is not a place to boast about one's wealth, honor, or status. It is a place where we serve one another. The church should be a place where the poor and the rich, the high and the low, respect and serve one another. How much did Jesus emphasize humility and service? The Lord demonstrated the ultimate humility by being born as a human being.

If we want to be praised by God, let's not show off or boast, but instead share, humble ourselves, and serve others.

♧ God, make us people who share, humble ourselves, and serve! Holy Spirit, lead us in truth!