1 Corinthians 12 (#2)

Verse 26: If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.

Verse 27: Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

◇ Paul uses the analogy of the body for the church. Christ is the head of the body, and the believers are the members of the body. Just as there are various members in a body, there are also different and diverse people among the believers. Moreover, just as each body part has a different role, so does each believer. While some parts may have larger or smaller roles, they all form one body, just as the believers are one body connected to Christ, the head.

Paul emphasizes that the believers form one body and encourages them not to fight, but to comfort, encourage, and walk the path of salvation together. However, they fight among themselves, each claiming to be better or more correct. They hurt and cause pain to each other and even go so far as to separate or cut each other off.

How much pain must God feel when He sees the people He has saved through His precious Son fighting, hurting, and causing pain to each other? Could it be more painful than when He gave up His Son?

♧ Lord, help me to understand Your love for others as much as You love me and to love the believers with Your heart! Holy Spirit, lead us in truth!