1 Corinthians 12: For the common good

Verse 11: All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.

When I was young, the prayer I prayed most fervently at retreats, while singing praises and praying, was for the Holy Spirit to fill me. At that time, the signs of being filled with the Holy Spirit were speaking in tongues, interpreting tongues, and prophesying. I cannot tell you how earnestly I prayed for the ability to do these things. I thought these were the signs that distinguished between being filled with the Holy Spirit and not being filled, so some friends would envy those who had these gifts, and others would strive to attain them.

However, as time passed, I realized that the Holy Spirit was with us in every situation. This is because all the friends who believed in Jesus as their Savior and confessed their faith in that place, and who longed for the gifts of the Holy Spirit, prayed with the heart given by the Holy Spirit. Confessing Jesus as Lord is the heart and confession given by the Holy Spirit (verse 3).

The Holy Spirit manifests in various ways in each person. The gifts of the Holy Spirit appear as wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miraculous powers, prophecy, distinguishing between spirits, speaking in different kinds of tongues, and the interpretation of tongues.

These various gifts are given for one purpose. That purpose is for the common good. It is for the benefit of the individual who receives the gift, and beyond that, for the church and their neighbors. It is for the work that pleases God, for the benefit of all people.

Most people are more interested in what gifts they have received. They weigh the value of the gifts. They want something more impressive, something better than others.

While there are various gifts, ministries, and services, it is the one Holy Spirit who gives them all. The Holy Spirit gives various gifts to each believer for one purpose: to reveal the Holy Spirit in each person for the common good (verse 7).

We should focus more on how we will use the gifts we have received rather than what gifts we have received. We should concentrate more on how to use the gifts according to the will of the Holy Spirit for the common good.

Lord, let everything in me be used to fulfill your will! Holy Spirit, lead me in truth!