1 Corinthians 9 (#2): Participation in the Gospel

Verse 19: Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible.

◇ Winning someone over to become one's own person is a difficult task. Especially turning someone you desire, a talented individual, into a loyal follower is not easy. This is particularly true when you have nothing, and you have not yet formed a significant power or influence. When you have power and great influence, people will gather around you. Not only capable individuals but also all sorts of people will join. Many people gather, hoping that something might fall into their lap.

When Paul was spreading the gospel, the Christians had not yet formed a significant influence. It was before they became a force that could impact the great Roman Empire. So, people couldn't be expected to come voluntarily. Moreover, they were hated by the Jews, who could be considered their roots. They were met with hatred rather than welcome wherever they went. Furthermore, the Gentiles in the cities where the gospel was preached felt alienated and rejected because the Christians' way of life was different from their customs and habits.

How difficult must it have been to win people over and evangelize in such a situation? That's why Paul gave up his freedom and became a slave to everyone. He knew that if he did as he pleased, he would not be able to win even one person. He became a Jew to win the Jews, and a Gentile to win the Gentiles. He humbled himself to preach the gospel and make them children of God. He became a servant for God and bowed his knees.

I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings (1 Corinthians 9:23)

Paul became a servant not to make his own people but to create God's people.

We reconsider what we should do to gain God's children.

♧ God, please make us participants in the gospel, not those who receive service but those who serve!