2 Corinthians 1: God who neither slumbers nor sleeps

Verse 4: He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.

◇ There is no one without worries and anxieties. Even those who seem to have achieved everything, have an abundance of leisure, and appear to be at peace have concerns and anxieties that others do not know about. Worries and anxieties arise because we cannot control things with our own strength and according to our own desires. We do not worry or feel anxious about things we can control and manage with our own strength and according to our own desires.

We worry and feel anxious about things beyond our ability, and these things are tribulations for both Paul and all of us. Natural disasters, physical illnesses, and unwanted events in human relationships… . the things we cannot solve with our own abilities, and thus worry, fear, and suffer from are tribulations.

Who can comfort and encourage us from these tribulations? It is none other than our Father God. The God who comforts Jacob, who deceived his father Isaac, stole the family blessing, and fled; the God who comforts Jacob as he lays his weary body on his lonely escape route, resting on a stone for a pillow. This God blesses, promises, and comforts Jacob, who has done nothing good. He is the God who keeps his own promises.

The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob comforts Paul and his fellow workers and fulfills the promise to make them the source of blessings for all nations. Paul rises again in the midst of tribulation to comfort his brothers in faith and proclaims Jesus Christ, the source of blessings.

The Father God who comforted and raised Paul and his fellow workers also comforts and raises us today. He tells us to comfort others with the grace we have received. He tells us to proclaim Jesus Christ as we have been saved.

"Indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep." (Psalm 121:4)

♧ God, please comfort and raise those who are in the midst of tribulations for various reasons! Make them your fellow workers! Holy Spirit, lead us in truth!