2 Corinthians 2: Forgiveness for the Repentant

Verse 10: Anyone you forgive, I also forgive. And what I have forgiven—if there was anything to forgive—I have forgiven in the sight of Christ for your sake,

Verse 11: in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.

◇ It seems that there was someone in the Corinthian church who had caused Paul great distress. Because of this person, Paul and the Corinthian believers were deeply troubled. However, this person has been punished and is now repentant. Therefore, Paul forgave him.

Paul then urges the Corinthian believers to forgive the wrongdoer who is repentant. Since he has already been punished, they should accept him so that he does not become overwhelmed with excessive sorrow. They are to forgive and embrace him as a loving brother within the community.

Forgiving a repentant person is what Christ desires, and it is Christ's love. However, not forgiving a repentant person and allowing them to continue living in sorrow and anxiety is what Satan wants, and it is falling into Satan's trap.

Paul hopes that the Corinthian brothers and sisters will become one in love in Christ. He wants everyone to reach the goal of Christ without leaving anyone behind or excluded. That's why he tells them to forgive the brother who had caused distress in the church. Just as Jesus told Peter to forgive seventy times seven times, Paul also tells them to forgive.

However, there is a prerequisite for forgiveness: repentance. It is not about forgiving everyone, but forgiving those who repent and promise not to commit such mistakes again. The person Paul is urging them to forgive has already been punished and is repentant. He wants to return to Christ's embrace. Continually condemning and not forgiving such a person is exactly what Satan desires. Those who cannot receive forgiveness cannot return to Christ's embrace (the church), and those who cannot forgive are not obedient to Christ's teachings. If they fail to become one and become divided, who will be pleased?

Forgiveness is a gracious gift from God that Christians have received. This gift is not cheap or worthless. It is a valuable gift given by God when He sees deep repentance. Is there someone seeking forgiveness with repentance? Please give them the precious gift of forgiveness. Even if the wound in your heart has not yet healed, please forgive. Share the precious gift that God has given you.

♧ Lord, help me to share the gift of forgiveness! Even if my heart is still hurting, please let me forgive those who repent and seek forgiveness, and let them move from sorrow to joy! Holy Spirit, lead us in truth!