2 Corinthians 5 (#2): God's Appeal

Verse 17:

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

◇ Anyone who is in Christ is a new creation. You have become a pure person, like a newborn child. You have been reborn through the death of Jesus' redemption. Through Jesus, who became the reconciliation sacrifice to reconcile God and people, we have become a new person reborn.

There is a reason why God made us new, even to the point of nailing his only Son on the cross. God entrusted the message of reconciliation to the newly born Christians. So, Paul says that a new responsibility has arisen for the newly born Christians. 

That responsibility is the role of God's ambassador. It's about becoming a reconciliation ambassador on behalf of Jesus. Now, we Christians, on behalf of Jesus who was the reconciliation sacrifice, must become God's ambassadors conveying the message of reconciliation. That is the purpose of Christians being a new creation, being reborn.

Being satisfied with being reborn is not enough. Being satisfied with being saved is not enough. Now, as a reborn and saved person, as God's ambassador, you must bear the responsibility. For the reconciliation of God and people, preach Jesus Christ, serve, sacrifice, and struggle for the reconciliation of people, and look after the reconciliation of people and other creatures.

You must be faithful to the role of the ambassador in order to return to the state when God said, "It was good."

♧ Lord, grant me faith, sincerity, love, and patience to bear the responsibility of reconciliation! Please help me to get out of selfishness that only thinks about myself! 

Holy Spirit, lead me in truth!