2 Corinthians 9: A Farmer's Heart

Verse 10:

"Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness."

There is a proverb that says, "A farmer would rather starve to death than consume his seeds." It highlights how precious seeds are to a farmer. If a farmer consumes his seeds out of hunger, he forfeits his future. There will be no next year for him. It is only by sowing seeds in spring that he can reap a harvest.

Paul compares the act of giving to the needy and those in hardship to sowing seeds. Even if one is starving, the precious seeds that have been carefully preserved are generously scattered in the fields when spring comes. This is not done forcibly but with hope and joy, thinking of the autumn harvest. Sowing seeds is a joyful act filled with hope for a bountiful harvest. Therefore, it should never be done reluctantly.

Those who have experienced the joy of giving material goods to their neighbors continue to give. They live frugally and conservatively themselves, but they give to their neighbors because of the joy it brings. Despite their fatigue, those who engage in volunteer work cannot stop because the joy of serving is greater than their exhaustion.

Just as a farmer sows his cherished seeds to yield a bountiful harvest, God will give joy to those who serve with their bodies and material goods despite their lack, and He will fill them so they can serve more.

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." (Verse 7)

Lord, help us to deeply realize the heart you had when you gave your cherished Son! Although we are not affluent, make us those who share and serve together! Grant us hope and joy! Holy Spirit, lead us in truth!