2 Corinthians 11: Always Be on Your Guard

Verse 4:

For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the Spirit you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough.

◇ "You put up with it easily enough"

You can feel Paul's regret and frustration. The gospel they preach selflessly, without expecting any reward, is heard but not taken to heart, while the false gospel is accepted too easily. According to a survey, 6-7% of Protestants are considered to be in heresy.

We are always exposed to false prophets and false gospels. We must always be awake to protect ourselves from them.

♧ God, prevent us from becoming foolish like Adam and Eve, who fell into the serpent's temptation. Keep us from being consumed by desire and becoming arrogant. Help us to humbly carry our cross and take one step at a time towards the goal. Grant us the wisdom to walk the right path and not fall into various temptations! Holy Spirit, lead us to the truth!