1 Kings 16: Standards of Man, Standards of God

Verse 19:
This was because he had done evil in the eyes of the LORD and sinned by following the way of Jeroboam and by continuing in the sins that Jeroboam had caused Israel to commit.

◇ Chapter 16 discusses the five kings of the northern kingdom. During the reign of King Asa of the southern kingdom, the northern kingdom saw five different kings. It wasn't because of their short lifespans, but rather due to rebellion. There were three instances of rebellion where a king was killed, and the perpetrator took the throne for themselves. It's a history of treachery.

The author of the books of Kings gives the same evaluation to these five kings. They followed the way of Jeroboam. And they caused the people to sin. The author of Kings does not mention their worldly achievements at all. It is said that Baasha was a very outstanding king in terms of politics and military. And Omri built the city of Samaria, which could be compared to the City of David. The author does not mention these achievements, which the people of the world highly praised and extolled.

What is the way of Jeroboam that the author speaks of? It is idolatry. It is the path away from God. King Ahab considered the way of Jeroboam as trivial, and he built a temple for Baal and an Asherah pole in Samaria, erected altars, and offered sacrifices.

Even if one achieves deeds that are highly praised and extolled by the world, God does not delight in the way of Jeroboam. Serving idols instead of God is the last thing God wants. God's standards of evaluation and the world's standards are not the same.

♧ God, what standards of evaluation do I use as the measure of my life? Help me to hold onto eternal standards of evaluation, not those that will perish! Holy Spirit, lead me in the way of truth!