1 Kings 19: Under the Broom Tree

Verses 5-6:
He lay down under the tree and fell asleep. All at once an angel touched him and said, “Get up and eat.” He looked around, and there by his head was some bread baked over hot coals, and a jar of water. He ate and drank and then lay down again.

Elijah, having triumphed over the 850 prophets who served Baal and Asherah, now lies under a broom tree in the wilderness of Judah, wishing for death and praying to God to take his life. How has the victorious Elijah found himself in this situation?

Queen Jezebel's fury upon hearing that all the prophets of the idols had been slain was sky-high. She swore to kill Elijah by this time the next day. Hearing this, Elijah was afraid and fled with his servant from the northern kingdom, crossing the border into the wilderness of Judah. Then he went alone further into the wilderness, praying to God to take his life.

Where had the courage gone that he had when facing the 850? Where had his boldness disappeared to? Prophet Elijah might seem like someone who could face anything fearlessly, trusting in God for victory in every situation, but he is not. Elijah is also human, a frail being. Without God's care, he is but a frail human.

To the weary Elijah in prayer, God provided bread and water to eat. God did not rebuke Elijah for his fear. Instead, He comforted and restored him. He fed him and gave him drink to replenish his tired body in the wilderness, and with a gentle whisper, He restored his spirit.

O God, I am thankful for Your warm touch. Thank You for not rebuking the fearful and weary but for restoring them so they may stand again. Holy Spirit, lead us on the path of truth!