1 Kings 8 (#3) The Temple is Just a Temple


Verse 27: 

"But will God really dwell on earth? The heavens, even the highest heaven, cannot contain you. How much less this temple I have built!"

◇ Having completed the temple, Solomon gathered together the leaders of the tribes, elders, and priests from all over the country. He placed the Ark of the Covenant, which contained the two stone tablets, in the Most Holy Place of the temple, covering it with the wings of the cherubim.

Having fulfilled what King David had longed for, Solomon prayed towards heaven. Verse 27 is a part of that prayer. From his prayer, we can see that Solomon truly understood who God is.

God does not dwell on earth. While people have worshipped gods as limited to certain large mountains, rocks, or trees, Solomon did not. God is too immense to be contained, even by heaven. God is so great that He can encompass heaven itself.

That Solomon's temple could become a place of God's presence is only by God's grace. It did not become a dwelling place for God because it was made from the finest materials and beautifully adorned with gold.

God acknowledged the temple as His dwelling place and manifested His presence there out of compassion and love for His people. If we forget such a God and only look at the grand and beautiful temple, then the temple can no longer be a dwelling place for God.

What happens then is the idolization of the temple. It's not the fear of God, but the fear of the temple. In the end, the temple that became an idol falls, and the Israelites who left God become captives in Babylon.

Is God first? Or is the temple first? The roles should not be reversed.

♧ God, let us clearly understand who You are and serve and follow You as You desire! Holy Spirit, lead us in the way of truth!