1 Kings Chapter 11

Verse 6: 
Solomon did evil in the eyes of the LORD; he did not follow the LORD as his father David had done.

◇ From Chapter 10, where Solomon amassed chariots and built chariot cities, an ominous sign was evident. It is stated that Solomon did evil before God and turned away from Him.

According to Deuteronomy 17:16, it advises not to accumulate many horses or wives. However, in 1 Kings Chapter 11, it's unbelievable how many wives Solomon had. In addition to the daughter of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, he had 700 wives of royal birth and 300 concubines, including women from Moab, Ammon, Edom, Sidon, and Hittites.

Is it considered evil before God to amass many horses and take many women as wives? It's not that these actions in themselves are evil. It refers to the consequences of these actions. Solomon, who gathered horses, built chariot cities, and led a strong army, would have become overly confident. Everything in the world seemed to be under his control. How much applause would the people have given at the sight of the sturdy and majestic castle and heavily armed cavalry and horses? How much flattery would the surrounding nations paying tribute have offered? Solomon would have ruled as an absolute monarch. Unbeknownst to him, he took the place of God.

Solomon built temples for his innumerable wives. Ashtoreth of Sidon, Chemosh of Moab, Molek of Ammon, and so on. He allowed them to offer sacrifices to their gods. He casually committed the act of idolatry before God. Because of his many horses and wives, Solomon became a person who left God. He became a person who did evil before God.

David's greatness lay in never forgetting who had established him and who had anointed him.

♧ God, let us be those who use well what we have received in the name of God. Holy Spirit, guide us in truth!