Ezra 4 (#1): Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith.

Verse 3:
But Zerubbabel, Joshua and the rest of the heads of the families of Israel answered, "You have no part with us in building a temple to our God. We alone will build it for the Lord, the God of Israel, as King Cyrus, the king of Persia, commanded us."

♢ In the latter part of chapter 3, there is a scene where the foundation of the temple is laid. The priests put on their robes and took up their trumpets, and the Levites with musical instruments praised the Lord. Seeing this, some people shouted for joy while others wept aloud (3:12). Finally, the serious work of rebuilding the temple had begun.

Upon seeing the reconstruction of the temple, the people living in the land asked to be allowed to participate in the rebuilding. They claimed to have been sacrificing to God and expressed a desire to join in the rebuilding effort. Zerubbabel, Joshua, and the family heads rejected this request.

Why did the leaders of Israel refuse the offer of these people to join them? Wouldn't it be better to have more people contributing to the rebuilding of the temple and serving God together?

Who were these people who asked to join in the rebuilding of the temple? They were foreigners who had been relocated by the Assyrians and those who had intermarried with them, not having been taken away as captives. They were people who worshipped idols, treating God as one of many gods.

The Hebrew word "darash," translated as "seek," means to inquire or demand. They were not seeking a personal God but were looking to God to fulfill their needs as one consults an oracle.

The people who started rebuilding the temple were those who had returned from Babylon and were trying to settle down. They had not yet established themselves or found stability. Cooperation from those who were well-established in the land could have been a significant help. Perhaps they could have built the temple more quickly, more solidly, and more magnificently, possibly even surpassing Solomon's temple. However, they rejected all these potential benefits and denied the request.

The people rebuilding the temple were not yet stable or a strong community. Accepting polytheists who did not properly worship God was a considerable risk. Their very foundation could be shaken, and they could be assimilated into idol worship like the foreigners.

Their judgment was correct. The people of the land who were denied partnership threatened them, discouraged them, instilled fear, and hindered the construction. They even bribed officials to thwart the plans. The people of the land were not genuinely interested in rebuilding God's temple.

Even when it is difficult and challenging, we must follow the right path. Taking the easy way out with the wrong methods can lead to ruin. Peter said to be alert and of sober mind. He warned that the enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

♧ Lord, keep us awake and alert so we do not fall into Satan's temptations. Prevent us from chasing immediate gains, and even if it means facing loss and delays, guide us on the path that pleases You! Holy Spirit, lead us in truth!