Ezra Chapter 7: Preserving the Temple

Verse 10:
For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the LORD, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel.

♢ More than 80 years after the first return in 537 B.C., a second return took place in 452 B.C., led by Ezra. Ezra was a descendant of Aaron and a priest, as well as a scholar well-versed in the Law (11). He also found favor with King Artaxerxes, a high-ranking official. With the king's absolute support and sponsorship, Ezra returned to Jerusalem.

As we have seen, after many hardships and with the cooperation of all the people and by the grace of God, the Temple was completed. Now they could freely offer sacrifices to God in the Temple, praise, and worship Him.

Those who wept tears of joy and praised God while offering sacrifices in the completed Temple must remember something important: God is not confined to a Temple. If they have built a beautiful and magnificent Temple, they must remember to live a life worthy of God's presence in it. They must not forget that Solomon's Temple was destroyed, leaving not even its foundations, because they failed to live such a life.

The Temple, built with small efforts and dedicated devotion, should not become a den of robbers. They know all too well what happens when the Temple becomes a den of robbers. We know it too. Not only will the Temple be shattered and reduced to ruins, but we will also fall into an endless abyss.

Therefore, God sent Ezra to Jerusalem. God wanted His heart and will to be proclaimed in the completed Temple. God wanted Ezra to teach the people to live a life that aligns with His will.

A beautiful Temple, built with cooperation and dedication, created by the grace of God—if God's heart and will are not present and unfolded in that Temple, it will once again become a ruin.

♧ Lord, make us your children who have your heart. Make us citizens of your kingdom who unfold your will. Give us the dedication and zeal to learn and teach. Prevent the beautiful Temple of the Lord from falling into ruin again. Holy Spirit, lead us in truth!