Ezra Chapter 8: Humbling Ourselves Before God

verses 21-22:
At that time, I proclaimed a fast by the Ahava Canal to humble ourselves before our God and to ask him for a safe journey for us and our children, with all our possessions. I did this because I was ashamed to ask the king for soldiers and horsemen to protect us from enemies on the road, since we had told the king, "The hand of our God is gracious to all who seek him, but his power and his wrath are against all who forsake him." 

◇ Ezra paused by the Ahava Canal during the journey to Jerusalem to take a census of the people. However, he found there were no Levites among them to perform the sacrifices. Therefore, he recruited additional Levites. There, he proclaimed a fast and prayed together with those returning.

The mindset of those fasting was one of "humility." To be humble means to "kneel or bow down." Kneeling and bowing down express absolute obedience, reverence, and exaltation of the One before them. This signifies that Ezra and his companions were exalting God and humbling themselves.

The purpose of those returning to Jerusalem was not to live in comfort and luxury in their homeland. Their aim was to exalt God, to live in absolute obedience and reverence to Him, and to dwell as God's people in the land promised to their ancestor Abraham.

Rebuilding the ruins would require immense effort and sacrifice. The land of Babylon, although foreign, where they had lived for about 100 years, might have been more comfortable. Perhaps the place they had grown accustomed to was safer. They might have been living comfortably in a foreign land, well-adapted to Babylonian culture. Nevertheless, they chose to return to the desolate land of Judah to live as God's people.

Living as God's people means having a humble heart before God. It means living in reverence and obedience to God. It means living a life dedicated to fulfilling God's will, not for one's own comfort or ease, nor to achieve personal dreams and visions. To live as God's people is to live for God's dreams and visions.

God, I examine whether I am calling on Your name simply to fulfill my own desires and cravings. Father, help me never to lose a posture of humility before You and to obey in fulfilling Your dreams and visions! Holy Spirit, lead me in truth! Amen.