Nehemiah 1: Join in Mourning!

Verses 3-4:
They said to me, "Those who survived the exile and are back in the province are in great trouble and disgrace. The wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates have been burned with fire." When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven.

◇ Leading a life of self-restraint and empathy for others is a Christian life, the life God desires. Romans 12:15 says, "Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn."

Nehemiah was a cupbearer to the king in the Persian empire. A cupbearer was one of the high-ranking officials who enjoyed the king's trust in the administrative body of the ancient Near East. Imagine the extent of his power; it was said to be immense. Yet Nehemiah, in his position as governor of Judah, undertook the task of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, which lay in ruins.

Nehemiah learned of the situation there through his brother Hanani, who had visited Jerusalem. Upon hearing of their plight, he sat down and wept. He then spent days in mourning, fasting, and praying. Nehemiah fully empathized with the circumstances of his fellow Judeans. It was not merely a feeling of pity; he felt as if he himself was living in that desolate place, suffering disgrace.

This empathy moved him to set aside his comfortable life. He dedicated himself to the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem in Judah. He left the peaceful palace to move to the ruins of Jerusalem.

God tells us to care for our neighbors. To be with the poor widows and orphans, the imprisoned, the lonely, and those who mourn. Not only to be with those who are sad but also with those who are joyful. God did this, and so did Jesus. This is what He asks of us as well.

"Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn."

God, there are many around us who are mourning. Let me set aside my joy for a moment and join them in their tears, to weep and pray for them. Remember the tears shed due to lives devastated by war, the tears of those who have lost family members to war (Ukraine, Russia, Gaza Strip, Israel), and the tears caused by natural and man-made disasters (the Itaewon and Sewol ferry accidents). Grant them comfort and peace. Holy Spirit, lead us in truth! Amen.