Nehemiah Chapter 4: God Fights for Us

Verse 14:
After I looked things over, I stood up and said to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people, "Don't be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes."

Verse 20:
Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, join us there. Our God will fight for us.

◇ The people of God face many unavoidable obstacles. Nehemiah and his people also encountered barriers. Even before they had started rebuilding the wall, Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the Ammonite mocked Nehemiah and the people. Upon hearing that the wall was being rebuilt, they incited the neighboring nations to ridicule the Jews working on Jerusalem's wall. They taunted them, saying that even a fox climbing on the wall they built would break it down. Despite the mockery and scorn, Nehemiah prayed to God and encouraged the people to continue building the wall.

When Sanballat and Tobiah heard that the wall was nearing completion, they tried to stop it not just with words but with force. They even attempted to persuade fellow Jews to join them. Among the people, there were those who were discouraged. Some became disappointed, thinking the wall would never be finished and wanted to give up. Can you imagine how exhausting it must have been for the people working tirelessly day and night? Surrounded by foreign nations who laughed, threatened with force, and their own kin persuading them to give up, they were becoming weary in body and spirit.

Nehemiah reminded the tired and disheartened people about to give up to remember God. He told them not to fear individuals like Sanballat and Tobiah but to remember the Lord, who is great and exalted. When people face difficulties, it seems they would turn to God and rely on Him, but often this is not the case. Instead, many blame God and look for other solutions when in trouble. Look around you, or rather, look at the Bible. Why did the Israelites betray God, turn their backs on Him, worship idols, and join with foreigners? It's because God did not give them the peace and prosperity they wanted. Instead, the idol-worshipping foreigners seemed more prosperous and at peace.

Nehemiah did not give in to disappointment or despair. Therefore, he did not give up. Instead, he armed one hand with a spear and the other with a hammer to continue building the wall. Nehemiah encouraged the people by saying, "Our God will fight for us." It was not despair but hope that Nehemiah had because of the God who fights for us.

God, because we have a Father who fights for us, we do not despair in our trials. With a Father who fights for our weakness, we carry hope, courage, and work hard to overcome obstacles, sweating it out. Father, help us not to give up! Holy Spirit, lead us in truth!