Lent Day 37: Not Perishable Garments but the Eternal Kingdom of God (John 19:23-24a)

Lent Day 37
Not Perishable Garments but the Eternal Kingdom of God
John 19:23-24a

23 When the soldiers crucified Jesus, they took his clothes, dividing them into four shares, one for each of them, with the undergarment remaining. This garment was seamless, woven in one piece from top to bottom.
24 "Let's not tear it," they said to one another. "Let's decide by lot who will get it." This happened that the scripture might be fulfilled that said, "They divided my clothes among them and cast lots for my garment."

◇ Jesus was crucified between two thieves. Can we imagine the extent of the physical pain Jesus endured while hanging on the cross? And in the midst of that suffering, what must have been going through Jesus' heart as he heard the mockery, contempt, and curses?

Beneath the cross, the Roman soldiers were engaged in an act of cruelty and barbarism. Even for a colonial criminal, it is heartless to cast lots for the garments of someone who is dying in agony on the cross. They divided his clothes into four parts, one for each soldier—a tradition that seems utterly inhumane. Jesus faced not only a death of bleeding on the cross but also the dismemberment and abandonment of his last possessions.

What did the Roman soldiers intend to do with Jesus' clothes? What benefit could the garments of a condemned man bring them? They were blinded, taking Jesus' clothes from him. But it is not his clothes that we should seek from Jesus.

We know well what we should obtain from Jesus, and it is not his garments. We will inherit something incomparable to clothing. Those of us who believe in and rely on Jesus will inherit his precious gifts. We can call his Father our Father. We can call his kingdom our kingdom. We can receive his eternal life. We can partake in the glory of his resurrection.

What we take is not clothing. What we receive are treasures beyond comparison. We become children of God and heirs to the kingdom of God.

What inheritance do you desire?

God, we thank you for making us heirs to your everlasting kingdom. Holy Spirit, lead us in truth! Amen.