Esther chapter 1 (#2): Asking, Listening, and Obeying

Esther chapter 1 (#2)
Asking, Listening, and Obeying

13. The king consulted with experts well-versed in the law, his close advisers. It was customary in his kingdom for the king to discuss matters of law and judgment with those knowledgeable in such areas.
14. Beside the king were seven princes of Persia and Media—Carshena, Shethar, Admatha, Tarshish, Meres, Marsena, and Memucan—who had direct access to the king and shared their opinions with him. These men were the highest-ranking officials in the kingdom.

◇ During the Joseon Dynasty, there was an institution called Hongmungwan. It was an agency for discussing the right and wrong of the court's decisions and offering candid advice. Along with the Saganwon and the Sahungbu, which played the role of the press in checking the power of the king, they were collectively referred to as the "three agencies of the press." This system was designed to prevent the king from acting solely on his own desires, ensuring that governance was conducted fairly and justly according to the law.

Even King Ahasuerus, whose authority seemed to reach the heavens, did not immediately deal with the disobedient queen according to his emotions. Indeed, he could not. He handled the matter by consulting his subjects who were well-versed in the law and customs.

Before judging whether the king was right or wrong in dethroning the queen, there is something in the king's process that we should take note of: the act of seeking advice. No matter how powerful, knowledgeable, or experienced a leader may be, they must listen to the opinions of others and seek the counsel of experts and those with experience. Even then, imperfections and gaps are inevitable.

Perfection in human endeavors is unattainable because humans are inherently flawed beings with many limitations. Isn't seeking advice a way to overcome these imperfections, even if just slightly?

♧ God, keep me from arrogance and from falling into obstinacy and prejudice. Let me never lose the humility to always listen and seek advice. Guide me to ask and obey the Holy Spirit, who leads us in truth. Amen.