Nehemiah Chapter 12: Source of Joy

Nehemiah Chapter 12
Source of Joy

43. On that day, they offered great sacrifices, rejoicing because God had given them great joy. The women and children also rejoiced. The sound of rejoicing in Jerusalem could be heard far away.

◇ The broken walls were rebuilt, and the gates were made strong and secure. The people were counted, and lots were drawn to resettle the newly rebuilt Jerusalem, to revive it. After the exhausting work of rebuilding the walls, the people were comforted and encouraged by the reading and explaining of the Law, giving them new hope.

And now, the completed walls are dedicated to the Lord. How eagerly must they have awaited this day, hearing that their city had become ruins inhabited by wild animals, fasting, weeping, and praying? Returning from far-off Babylon, they rolled up their sleeves and worked tirelessly, day and night. All their fatigue vanished in a moment.

The people offered many sacrifices to God, knowing that it was under His watch and guidance that the walls were completed. Without Him, they could not have rebuilt the walls.

The people offered the sacrifices with joy. People of all ages came out to walk along the walls, singing and dancing, sharing in the joy. This joyous sound spread far and wide across the Judean wilderness.

We hope this joyous praise lasts forever. We hope they never forget that it was God who built the walls to protect them. We hope they deeply engrave in their hearts that it is not the walls, but God who protects them. We hope they trust not in the strong walls but in the loving and merciful God.

God, You lead us. You protect us. You are our strength and power. Holy Spirit, lead us in truth. Amen.