1 John 1: The Bridge of the Gospel

1 John 1: The Bridge of the Gospel

3 We declare to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. 

◇ The greatest task for Christians is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  It's easy to feel apprehensive about sharing the Gospel, sometimes even afraid.  It can feel like we lack something tangible, something that can be seen and touched, something objectively observable that everyone can understand and agree with. 

As John begins 1 John, he refers to Jesus as "the Word of life, who was with God in the beginning."  What would someone who doesn’t believe in Jesus think if they heard that? They might just think, "What does that even mean?" Perhaps this is why we hesitate and find it difficult to share Jesus.

We don't need any special abilities to share Jesus. We don't have to say that he's been the Word from the beginning. We don't need a grand confession.  We can simply share what we've experienced, what we've heard and learned, authentically. We can share how we came to faith in Jesus, why we believe in him... our own personal story of Jesus.

Sharing the Gospel isn’t just about words. It’s about fellowship, a connection.  Through fellowship, we reveal the Jesus we know.  Fellowship isn’t just about words; it’s about our lives. It’s not enough just to talk the talk; we must walk the walk. Our fellowship is like a bridge to Jesus. If we have genuine and meaningful fellowship with each other, with Jesus at the center, others will come to know and connect with him too.

We should be strong, secure bridges to Jesus. They should be safe and comfortable.

♧ Help me to share Jesus without fear and hesitation. Take away my fear of sharing him. Help me be a strong and comforting bridge to Jesus! Guide me with your truth, Holy Spirit. Amen!