1 John 3: Children of God

1 John 3
Children of God

10 By this, the children of God and the children of the devil are revealed: anyone who does not do what is right or does not love their brother or sister is not of God.

◇ These days, I find great joy in watching my 7-year-old son's changing behavior. He says he will talk about "poop" until he is 100 years old. Can you guess why? He believes that if he remains a child until he is 100, then I, his father, will also live until 100. How can I not be happy with such a son?

If someone asked me to give up this beloved son for the sake of others, could I do it? Absolutely not. How has the Father loved us? How has God the Father shown His love to us? (Verse 1) He gave His only begotten Son, His beloved Son, to save us by crucifying Him. By giving up His beloved Son, He made us His children in return. The love of God the Father is a love that gave up His Son.

With such immeasurable love, we are able to call God our Father. We have become children of God. It is not by our strength and ability that we have become children of God.
How should we, who have become children of God at such a great cost, live? We must not sin to avoid returning to our old ways. We must not fall back into the path of sin. We must not succumb to the devil's temptations. (Verse 7) Those who sin belong to the devil. (Verse 8) Those who belong to God practice righteousness because God's seed is in them.

No matter how eloquently one speaks the truth, preaches the gospel, or teaches the Bible, if they do not practice God's righteousness and love, they are nothing more than a noisy gong. They are not born of God. (Verse 10)

This is Jesus' teaching. (Matthew 7:22-23)
"Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'"

Children of God practice God's righteousness. Those who have God's seed bear the fruit that pleases God. They are the children of God.

♧ God, thank you for your immeasurable love. Help me to respond to that love. Enable me to practice righteousness and bear the fruit of love. Holy Spirit, guide me in truth. Amen.