Psalm 24:Hands, Heart, and Mind

Psalm 24
Hands, Heart, and Mind

Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place?
The one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god. (Psalm 24:3-4, NIV)

This reminds me of Psalm 15, which also describes who may dwell in the Lord's sanctuary and live on his holy mountain. Both Psalms 15 and 24 align closely in describing the conditions for those who can be with God and enter his holy place, emphasizing integrity, righteousness, truthfulness, and refraining from slander.

Who can ascend the mountain of the Lord and stand in his holy place?
It's those with clean hands, pure hearts, who do not set their minds on worthless things or swear falsely. This passage tells us where we should direct our hands, hearts, and minds.

Being able to call God our Father, becoming citizens of God's kingdom, and being disciples of Jesus Christ are all acts of grace. This grace is freely given through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. Although we didn't pay the price ourselves, Jesus paid it with his life. Because we didn't pay this price, we often struggle to fully understand, feel, or appreciate the value of this grace. As a result, we may not always live in a manner worthy of the grace we've received.

As children, citizens, and disciples...
What should the hands and feet of God's people do and where should they go?
What should the hearts of God's children contemplate?
What intentions should Christ's disciples set?

James tells us that faith without works is dead.
When our hands, hearts, and minds do not reflect those of God's children, his people, or Christ's disciples - or when we don't even try - we cannot truly claim to be his children, his people, or his disciples.

Lord, thank you. I'm grateful that today you've led me to examine where my hands, heart, and mind are. Please don't let me be a child who brings shame to your name, but rather one who spreads the fragrance of Christ. Holy Spirit, guide me in truth! Amen.