A Wonderful Day in August

Today's preacher delivered a sermon titled "A Wonderful Day in August," based on Exodus 2:11-17. The preacher began by talking about the significance of August, playing on the word "August" (as in the month) and smoothly transitioning into a discussion of Hermann Hesse, comparing the lives of Hesse’s character Augustus and Moses. The preacher encouraged us to experience a wonderful day of transformation, like Augustus and Moses, before August comes to an end.

In Hermann Hesse's story, Augustus, once beloved by all, spiraled to the point of contemplating suicide, but he was transformed in prison into someone who loved others. Similarly, Moses lived a life envied by many in Pharaoh’s household (Pharaoh meaning "Great House"). As his name suggests, when all the other infants of his generation were helplessly thrown into the Nile, Moses was drawn out of the water. This parallels Augustus being beloved by all. However, Moses then experienced a drastic fall, ending up in the wilderness of Midian, just as Augustus was driven to the brink of suicide and imprisonment.

Here is the core of the preacher's message. Just as Augustus was reborn in prison, becoming someone who loved others rather than merely being loved, Moses broke free from Pharaoh's world at the well in the wilderness of Midian. The preacher emphasized three key actions: Moses stood up, helped, and gave water to others. This marked the moment of transformation in Moses' life.

My Reflections and Application: 
A Beutiful day in August can be as wonderful as "A Beautiful Day in October" (a famous Korean song), or perhaps even more dramatic. Even if the top-down moments in my life occurred due to my own faults, God works everything together for good. Just as He transformed the lives of Moses and Augustus, He can change mine too. Though the scorching sun of August remains, God creates shade through the cross.