Psalm 28: Strength, Shield, Refuge, Shepherd

Psalm 28
Strength, Shield, Refuge, Shepherd

1. To you, Lord, I call; you are my rock, do not turn a deaf ear to me. For if you remain silent, I shall be like those who go down to the pit.  

Psalm 28 is the final plea for protection and refuge that connects with the previous psalms. It allows us to deeply feel David's emotions of suffering and distress while also showing how he endured and overcame such trials. 

In this psalm, we can feel David's despair and hopelessness.  

“If you close your ears to me, I will be like those going down to the pit.”  

Have you ever taken heavy steps towards hell as you head to work each morning? Have you spent a day in a place that felt like hell? Or are you possibly navigating such steps even now?  

Even while facing the depth of despair, David continued to pray without losing heart. He earnestly asked for God to be his refuge and shield. Unlike his adversaries, David sought to live a righteous life, striving to avoid evil.  

Though it might seem that he was sinking into the pit of despair, he raises his head once again to plead with God.  

David confesses in praise that God is his strength, shield, and shepherd.  

Lord, listen to the cries of all those who live each day as if descending into the grave! Be their strength, shield, and shepherd! May their lips overflow with praises directed toward you! Holy Spirit, guide us in truth. Amen.