Psalm 30: When Mourning Turns to Dancing

Psalm 30: When Mourning Turns to Dancing

2. I cried to you, Lord my God, and you healed me.
3. O Lord, you brought me up from the realm of the dead; you spared me from going down to the pit.
4. Sing the praises of the Lord, you his faithful people; praise his holy name.

◇ The South Korean medical system is in crisis. Triggered by the government's announcement to increase the number of medical school admissions, the medical community is in turmoil. Resident doctors are resigning, medical students are boycotting classes and taking leaves of absence, and medical professors are scaling back their practice. Though buried beneath various political issues and largely absent from the news, the situation is worsening, not improving.

Only the sick truly understand the vital need for doctors. Those with serious illnesses are undoubtedly living each day with mounting anxiety and desperation in the face of this current healthcare crisis. The healthy, those who have no need for a doctor, remain oblivious to the gravity of the situation.

Psalm 30 is a song of thanksgiving from someone who has been healed from illness. The psalmist praises God for answering their cry and saving them from descending into the grave.

What good is warm, red blood once entombed? How can one praise God and proclaim truth when their body has decayed and returned to dust? The psalmist ultimately thanks God for the grace that allows them to declare the Lord's truth and sing His praises. They rejoice that mourning has turned to dancing.

In an era or a land devoid of doctors, we would have no choice but to cry out solely to God. However, in this time and place, where doctors exist, it is not God's will that people should be unable to seek their help and receive treatment.

♧ God, grant us wisdom to discern what truly serves the needs of the sick. Guide the government and the medical community to think and act from a place of deep compassion for the patients, for the people. Prevent further loss of life, prevent more souls from descending to the grave and returning to dust due to stubbornness and a lack of communication. Let mourning be transformed into dancing. Holy Spirit, lead us in truth. Amen.