Psalm 31: My Future Is in Your Hands

Psalm 31: My Future Is in Your Hands

14 But I trust in you, Lord; I say, “You are my God.”
15 My times are in your hands...

◇ This is David's confession to God. Psalm 31 is known as a prayer of David during his time of illness and being pursued.

Because of his illness, he spends every day in pain and worry. He is filled with sorrow and lamentation. His strength is waning, and his bones are wasting away. Furthermore, he is being forgotten by his friends and neighbors. Like someone in a grave, like a broken vessel, he is being forgotten in the hearts of people.

David seems to be battling two things. One is his struggle with illness. He is fighting a relentless disease that is beyond his control, one that seems to be melting away both his body and spirit. The other is the fear of being forgotten and abandoned by people. We don't know exactly what illness David suffered from, but in ancient society, illnesses like severe skin diseases were treated as social problems. Neighbors and relatives likely speculated about the cause of his illness, criticized him, and anticipated his death. This likely made David feel even more like a broken vessel, deepening his sorrow (verse 12).

Nevertheless, he praises God and makes his confession:

"You are my God."
"My future is in your hands."
"Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord."

♧ God, You are my God. My future is in Your hands. Help me not to fear, not to be discouraged, not to despair in today's circumstances. Make me strong and courageous. Holy Spirit, lead me in truth. Amen.