Psalm 35: I will rejoice in the Lord

Psalm 35
I will rejoice in the Lord

13. Yet when they were ill, I put on sackcloth and humbled myself with fasting. When my prayers returned to me unanswered,
14. I went about mourning as though for my friend or brother. I bowed my head in grief as though weeping for my mother.
15. But when I stumbled, they gathered in glee; assailants gathered against me without my knowledge. They slandered me without ceasing.

Psalm 35 is attributed to David. In it, David pleads for help, expresses his innocence, curses his enemies, and praises God for delivering him from his foes.

Whenever I read David's psalms, I'm struck by how difficult his life must have been. Growing up as a shepherd, he would have been used to spending nights outdoors. But to be on the run, exposed to the night dew, with nowhere to go and someone trying to kill you - it's horrifying just to imagine. I fervently hope never to experience such a situation.

Yet, it's humbling to see David praising and thanking God despite his circumstances. It makes me ashamed of how I complain bitterly over small hardships and injustices.

In verses 13-15, David laments his unfair treatment. He fasted and prayed in sackcloth for his sick companions, mourning as if for his own mother. But in return, he received only mockery. When David faced hardship and crisis, his enemies united to ridicule and laugh at him.

In the midst of this, David prays fervently to God, asking to be rescued and delivered (v.17). Uncertain of when he might escape his enemies and have a peaceful night, David resolves to praise God.

Every time I encounter David's psalms, I find comfort and challenge. Today, I reflect deeply once again on what it means to trust, depend on, and obey God.

Lord, hear the cries of all those unjustly suffering today. See their tears and answer them quickly. Embrace them before they become too weary to seek you. Holy Spirit, guide us in truth. Amen.