Psalm 37: God's Co-workers

Psalm 37
God's Co-workers

7. Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.
8. Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret—it leads only to evil.

Recently, I confided in a pastor about the anger in my heart. Although I couldn't express all of my frustration, I briefly talked about recent events.

I feel ashamed of what I'm doing amidst these unjust, unfair, corrupt, and irrational circumstances. I have a sad premonition that my life might end like this...

In Psalm 37, David tells us to refrain from anger, turn from wrath, and not to fret because of those who succeed in their wicked schemes. He says it only leads to evil. He advises us to trust in the LORD and seek our food honestly, and God will reward us.

Verse 11 states that the meek will inherit the land and enjoy peace and prosperity. The Hebrew word translated as "meek" can also mean poor, needy, or humble. It offers hope of God's gracious gift of land ownership to all those living without a piece of land (shepherds, day laborers, etc.).

Will God resolve everything with love and justice if we trust him completely and live honestly and diligently, believing in his fair compensation?

God works through people. Through Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Elijah, and numerous prophets... This means God doesn't work alone, excluding people. Paul called Christians God's co-workers (1 Corinthians 3:9). We are helpers, assistants, and workers collaborating with God to accomplish his work.

As God's co-worker, I examine what I'm doing to work alongside God and fulfill his will. If I'm not doing anything for the love and justice God desires to accomplish, am I really God's co-worker or helper?

Lord, help me to recognize more deeply who I am and what I should do, and to act accordingly. Lord, grant me courage and determination. Holy Spirit, guide me in truth. Amen.