Psalm 39: Restore My Health

Psalm 39
Restore My Health

5. You have made my days a mere handbreadth; the span of my years is as nothing before you. Everyone is but a breath, even those who seem secure. (Selah)

6. Surely everyone goes around like a mere phantom; in vain they rush about, heaping up wealth without knowing whose it will finally be.

7. But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you.

The last verse (13) of Psalm 39 says, "Restore my health." Before reading verse 13, it might sound like the complaints of a coward. "You know injustice but lack the courage to speak up or act, living a shadow-like, useless life, just grumbling."

Reading verses 12-13 and then starting again from the beginning, we can feel the desperate prayer of someone suffering from illness. The psalmist seems to have lived blaming God and cursing people due to severe illness. They probably lived with unspeakable words on their tongue. Now they are repenting and confessing to God (1-3).

The illness deepens, the heart grows weaker, and life's end seems near, filled with fear too great even to make a small sound. Life feels vain, like a shadow, vanishing like mist (5-6). For the psalmist suffering from illness, hope is only in the Lord. They can only plead with God to restore their health.

"Misery loves company," and "Only a widower understands a widow's circumstances." We don't understand someone's heart until we've experienced their situation. We don't realize the need for a doctor until we've been sick or desperately ill ourselves.

Let us pray for God's grace to be with all those who, at this very moment, are racing against time in ambulances, relying solely on God.

♧ Merciful God, please give the leaders of our nation hearts that can empathize with the pain of the sick. Extend your grace to all those who are urgently seeking medical help due to illness. Let the precious life you created not be treated carelessly. Holy Spirit, have mercy. Amen.