Hosea 8: Blow the Trumpet

Hosea 8: Blow the Trumpet

1 "Put the trumpet to your lips! An enemy comes like an eagle against the house of the Lord because they have broken my covenant and transgressed my law."

◇ The trumpet must be blown. It must be blown against Israel. We must sound the alarm about their current state. Israel, who was meant to be God's people under His governance, has broken the covenants with God. The trumpet must be blown to expose how they have violated the covenant and the law. The trumpet must warn that God is now departing from them, and they will face the same hardships they experienced in Egypt.

Craftsmen are supposed to create ornaments with silver and gold, but instead, they make idols and call them true gods. The gods they worship and follow are nothing more than lumps of silver and gold crafted by human hands. The people will become hungry, exploited, and weakened by the burdens imposed by their leaders and kings, eventually disappearing like grass in the field.

Israel has raised many altars, but these altars have not led them to God. Instead, they have become altars of idols leading them into sin. They offered sacrifices and ate meat to their satisfaction, but this feast was only for themselves. God was not pleased at all. There was only anger and sorrow.

Kings have been installed, but God does not recognize them. These are not kings appointed by God. They are not kings who submit to God's will. They are not kings living under God's governance.

Hosea must blow the trumpet. He must awaken them. He must turn them back to God. Therefore, Hosea must blow the trumpet.
We too must blow the trumpet.
To turn our political leaders,
To turn our religious leaders,
To turn our people,
We must blow the trumpet.

♧ O gracious God, enable us to blow the trumpet. Help us blow the trumpet at leaders who lead with injustice, so they might turn back and not burden the people further. Help us blow the trumpet at pastors who offer worship that does not please You, who are satisfied and rejoice only in themselves! Help us blow the trumpet at Christians who create and worship idols of gold and silver. Help them turn back. Holy Spirit, lead us in truth. Amen.