Malachi 1:1-14: Says the Lord of Hosts
Malachi 1:1-14: Says the Lord of Hosts
“Oh that there were one among you who would shut the doors, that you might not kindle fire on my altar in vain! I have no pleasure in you, says the Lord of hosts, and I will not accept an offering from your hand.” (Malachi 1:10, ESV)
Malachi’s prophecy is set in the period after the exile, when the people have returned from Babylon and settled in Jerusalem and Judah. They returned with dreams of restoration according to God’s covenant. However, their lives remained difficult. The poor struggled even more, reduced to selling their children into slavery.
In this context, Malachi answers the questions of the people, speaking on behalf of God.
God declares, “Oh, that there were one among you who would shut the temple doors!” God wishes He could shut the doors of the temple. He is disgusted by the priests and the people coming to offer sacrifices at the temple. He can no longer bear them coming to His house.
These priests and people are adopted children of God, but they show no honor to their Father. They offer blind sacrifices. They offer sick animals. They offer stolen goods, things they have acquired by taking advantage of the poor. God says, "Present this to your governor! Would he be pleased with it?" They are offering to God what they wouldn't even give to the governor. They have no respect or fear of God as their Father or their Master. They show no sincerity, devotion, or faithfulness toward Him. God rejects such hypocritical offerings. He does not want their sacrifices. God made a covenant with Israel, adopting them as His own. He made them His people. He became their Father and their Master, yet they show Him no honor or fear. They are mocking and ridiculing God, the King of all the earth, from sunrise to sunset. God does not want such sacrifices. He wishes the doors were simply shut.
What kind of worship are we offering? When we come to church to worship, are we preparing our hearts from the moment we start getting ready? Are we showing the same love and care as we would when we visit our parents? Do we show the same respect and care as when we visit our teachers or elders?
God is our Father. God is our Master. We must give Him our love and devotion.
Merciful God, help us to praise and worship you in spirit and in truth. Let us worship through lives of obedience to your will. Holy Spirit, lead us into all truth. Amen.