Joshua 15:1-19: It's Not For Nothing
Joshua 15:1-19: It's Not For Nothing
"13 In accordance with the LORD’s command to him, Joshua gave Caleb son of Jephunneh a portion in Judah—Kiriath Arba, that is, Hebron. (Arba was the father of Anak.) 14 From Hebron Caleb drove out the three Anakites—Sheshai, Ahiman and Talmai, the sons of Anak. 15 From there he marched against the people living in Debir (formerly called Kiriath Sepher)."
♢ Caleb was 85 years old 45 years after hearing Moses' promise, and he obtained the Hebron region. Caleb obtained the land Moses had promised by faith. He received it by God's grace.
Obtaining by faith and receiving by grace does not mean obtaining and receiving for nothing. Caleb endured and waited for 45 long years. There must have been a life of constant refinement in order to strengthen his faith in God during that long period, though it is not depicted.
45 years is not a short time. During the 35-year Japanese colonial period, many of the nation's leaders abandoned the independence of Joseon and became pro-Japanese servants. We must remember the life of refinement beyond Caleb's faith, which he maintained while spending 45 years in the wilderness, 10 years longer than that, without despairing or giving up.
The words "by faith" and "by grace" do not mean "for nothing" or "for free".
Caleb gave his daughter Aksah to his nephew Othniel, who conquered Debir and later became a judge (Judges 3:7-11). Daughter Aksah requested fields and wells from her father Caleb as dowry. The field here is not fertile land. If it were fertile land, she would not have requested wells. The field can also be translated as "arid area, barren land." She needed wells because she needed to cultivate arid, barren land to make a living.
Othniel and Aksah show us the image of fighting for, cultivating, and making a land that God has given them, a dry and barren land, into a business. The promised land of God is not a land where crops grow without cultivation. The promised land is a land that can only be obtained by believing in God and not giving up. The promised land is a land where we can bear fruit only by believing in God and working hard.
The words "by faith" and "by grace" do not mean "for nothing" or "for free."
♧ Faithful God, help me not to forget that there are things I must endure, persevere, and fight for in order to fulfill Your promises. May there always be labor in seeking and fulfilling God's will in the circumstances of life given to me. Holy Spirit, strengthen me with courage. Amen.