Joshua 15:20-63: Do Not Expect Good Luck

Joshua 15:20-63: Do Not Expect Good Luck

"63 Judah could not dislodge the Jebusites, who were living in Jerusalem; to this day the Jebusites live there with the people of Judah."

◇ Verses 20-63 contain a list of cities distributed to the tribe of Judah. There are more than 100 cities, from plains to mountains to coastal plains along the Mediterranean. It received the largest land area of the tribes.

Looking at the names, we see the Philistine cities along the Mediterranean coast: Ekron, Ashdod, and Gaza. These three cities are three of the five important cities of Philistia (+ Ashkelon, Gath). We do not know exactly whether these cities were later taken away, or were never completely conquered from the beginning, but in Judges, these cities are cities of Philistia that harass Israel. Also, in the book of Samuel, these are the cities where Eli's sons put the stolen ark in the temple of Dagon and received disaster (1 Samuel 5-6).

Verse 63 features Jerusalem, the city of the Jews. Although it was given to Judah, it did not become Jewish land until the time of David. For hundreds of years after the land was divided, the land belonged to the Jebusites. This is land that Israel could not occupy.

There were cities and lands that were allotted to the tribe of Judah, but were not the land of the tribe of Judah. There must also be land that was occupied and soon taken back.

Just because land is allocated does not mean that all the land automatically becomes the land of that tribe. The promised land is the land of faith. When we believe in God's promise and conquer the land, the land becomes their land. We all know that the persimmons do not fall into your mouth just because you have your mouth open under the persimmon tree.

God is with us and leads us on the good and just path. Just because we stand still does not mean that we are on the good and righteous path. In the process of God leading us, there are moments of choice and moments of action. It is up to us to choose good deeds, do good deeds, and act justly.

If we do not believe in what God has promised and distributed and fight for it, we will not be able to obtain it. You can't get it if you don't choose and act. It is foolish to expect the persimmon to fall into your mouth by chance.

♧ Faithful God, believe in Your promises and be courageous without fear. Help me stand on the good and just path. Holy Spirit, strengthen me with courage. Amen.