Luke 7:18-35 - Living in the Right Season
"It's like children sitting in the marketplace calling to one another, 'We played the flute for you, but you didn't dance; we sang a dirge, but you didn't weep.'" (Luke 7:32)
The Pharisees and legal experts criticized John for his ascetic lifestyle, claiming he was demon-possessed (v.33). Yet they turned around and condemned Jesus for enjoying meals and gatherings, labeling him a glutton and a drunkard.
The common people, tax collectors, and sinners responded differently. They came to John, receiving his baptism of repentance. They approached Jesus, listened to his gospel message, and followed him with hope for God's kingdom. Meanwhile, the religious teachers and leaders rejected both John's baptism and Jesus' good news.
Seeing this, Jesus compared them to children who refused to participate—neither dancing to the flute nor weeping to the dirge.
Their stubbornness and prejudice had blinded their eyes and deafened their ears. In their arrogance, believing themselves superior, they could neither repent nor accept the gospel.
What season are we in now? A time for repentance? For joy? For conscience? For justice?
Lord of all goodness, open our eyes and ears. Help us to see and hear what You desire right now, so we may speak and act appropriately for this season. Make us true partners in Your work. Holy Spirit, fill us with strength and courage. Amen.