Luke 9:1-17 Living as a True Disciple

v. 3. He told them: "Take nothing for the journey—no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra shirt."

Walking the Camino de Santiago before I turn 60 is one of my small dreams. People who have walked the Camino always emphasize one thing in their books and videos: "Pack only what's absolutely necessary! Leave behind what you merely think you might need!" In our daily lives too, we experience how our homes become cluttered when we keep things we think might be useful someday.

Jesus sent out his disciples. As He sent them, He gave them the power to do the work He had been doing. Then He instructed them about what to bring on their evangelistic journey. He told them not to take extra staffs, clothes, shoes (in Matthew), food, or money.

Why did Jesus forbid them from bringing extra supplies?

Walking through the wilderness under the scorching sun is already exhausting enough—carrying heavy items would tire them out before they could even begin preaching the gospel. If they became preoccupied with packing for the journey, the purpose of their trip—spreading the gospel—might take a back seat. Wouldn't carrying these extra items beyond what's absolutely necessary distract them from their primary mission of proclaiming the gospel?

The disciples were continuing Jesus' own work. To these disciples doing His work, Jesus gave them the necessary power. Wouldn't He also provide everything they needed—staffs, clothes, shoes, travel expenses—and even things they hadn't thought of?

We must always live with the mindset and attitude of eliminating unnecessary things, or things that distract us from focusing on living as Christ's disciples. We trust in Jesus, who is our teacher and master, who cares for and takes responsibility for us as His disciples.

Lord God, help us live truly as Jesus' disciples. Holy Spirit, make us strong and courageous. Amen.